This Event Ticketing program is my bread and butter at Cadillac Fairview. My role in this case study has been a broad range of Product Management.
I established the data analytics framework that captures insights for both ticket sales platform and the customer experience and support process. The analytics have enabled the cross-functional teams to make data-driven decisions on enhancements and correct on-site processes in a timely manner.
After the event season, I also led workshops and enabled the cross-functional team to pinpoint the root causes of complex issues, then ideate for solutions together. We learned each problem from multiple factes, ideated in silence, then dot voted. This process has multiple purpose:
Cadillac Fairview’s traditional event Visits with Santa welcomes families to come take pictures with Santa in 5-minute time slots.
Problem Statement | Pain points
In 2022 Holiday season, customers experienced long wait time for support due to unexpected number of requests.
2023 pain point coming soon.
57% reduction in number of support tickets
81% reduction in confusion about how many tickets a family need to book
40%+ less inquiries due to customer “not receiving confirmation emails”
Faster ticket resolution time. Happier customers.
Average booking time increased from 1m22s to 1m45s
Slightly increased efforts in support model
Cadillac Fairview organizes Visits with Santa at its shopping malls every Holiday season. It’s a paid ticketed event with 5-minute time slot for each group to take pictures with Santa. Every season, they sell 45,000+ tickets across Canada.
In 2022 Holiday season, the number of customer emails exceeded what we expected. This resulted in long wait time for a customer ticket to get resolved. Some customers would not hear back until after their appointment.
2,680 support tickets created per 1,851 unique customer requests
105 Average emails per day. Peaked at 457 emails / day
10 days average resolution time. Some tickets aged 20-40 days without a response.
Improve the overall customer experience, from before booking to post-visit including preparing for their appointments and photo experience.
Main focus is the in-person experience. The Ticket Sales experience and support process should be improved at minimal cost.
We gathered quantitative and qualitative data from web traffic, customer emails and survey.
As a team, we picked the more complex problems to have special workshops to empathize and ideate solutions. For more simple problems, simple discussions as lessons learned were facilitated.
We discussed the proposed solutions with relevant stakeholders to validate the feasibility of the feature or process. Major changes include:
Summary of root causes:
Summary of root causes:
In 2024, we only identified 16 cases of typos, which means a 68% reduction thanks to disabling copy paste command. To achieve this number, whenever my team resolves a ticket categorized as an email issue, I asked them to note down their triage process. Using that information, I then tag each of those tickets with a subcategory including "Typos".
Summary of root causes:
In 2024, there are only 2 tickets related to the confusion, both of which are not associated with the experimental event. This means there is no significance in using 15-minute time slots or 5-minute time slots.
I attribbute the success to clearer copy and sticking with the structure that the customer already learned last year. Sometimes, having no changes is intuitive.
2,680 support tickets created per 1,851 unique customer requests
105 average emails per day. Peaked at 457 emails / day
10 days average resolution time. Some tickets aged 20-40 days without a response.
1,164 support tickets created per 1,107 unique customer requests / feedback
50 average emails per day. Peaked at 178 emails / day
75% tickets resolved in 48 hours or less
Changes came with some trade-offs that were within our acceptance.
Keep doing what is working well. Aim to reduce customer requests without compromising business benefits.